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Drop off & Pick up Procedures for JETS

The following is an Addendum that has been added to our Parent Handbook

Addendum - COVID Related Policies & Procedures

Student Arrivals - Drop Off

Drop off will begin at 7:30 and continue until 8:30 AM.

Times will be staggered and are designated in the chart below.

HS Class ...........Hours M-TH 7:50 - 3:00; F 7:50 - 1:00................Arrival: 7:30 - 7:50

EHS Class ........Hours M-F 8:00 - 4:00.....................Arrival: 8:00 - 8:30

CC Class ..........Hours M-F 7:30 - 5:30...................... Arrival:7:30 - 8:30

The drop-off locations are as follows:

***Families who have children enrolled in classrooms at different drop-off pick -up locations, will use Location 2 ( southwest parking lot) method.

Classroom Rooms 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 1, 2, 3, 4

Location 2 Southwest Location parking lot Method Curb off Drop

  1. Families will enter the parking lot off of Ave. V using Entrance and drive up to a Staff member. They will remain in their car and a Staff member will greet the family.

  2. After the screening process, the Staff member will scan the student’s ID card to sign them in and will take them to their classroom.

  3. The parent will exit the area through the Exit.

***Families who have children enrolled in classrooms at different drop-off pick -up locations, will use Location 2 ( southwest parking lot) method.

Classroom Rooms 101, 104, 105, 106

Location 1 Main Building Bus Lane Method Park, Screen & Drop off at classroom door.

  1. Families will park in the bus lane on the left side (not in the fire lane close to the building). They will enter the building where parents & children will stop to be screened at the kiosk located near the door.

  2. Once they are cleared, they must wash their hands and proceed to take their child to the classroom. They will knock on the door and the teacher will receive the child. Parents will not enter the classroom.

Health Screening at Drop Off

The Staff member will proceed with asking the COVID Health Questions and use an infrared thermometer to take a reading. If the child has any of the following signs or symptoms, they will not be admitted to the school for that day and will be guided to health support by a Family Advocate.

  1. If there is a reading indicating a temperature of 100 or higher

  2. If staff temperature is 99 - 100, they will be monitored.

  3. Has traveled to an affected area,

  4. Has been in contact with someone who is in the process of being tested for COVID-19,

  5. Has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19,

  6. Chills,

  7. Cough,

  8. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing,

  9. Muscle or body aches,

  10. New loss of taste or smell,

  11. Sore throat,

  12. Congestion or runny nose,

  13. Nausea or vomiting,

  14. Diarrhea

If the student develops a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or shortness of breath, DO NOT BRING THEM TO SCHOOL. Call the office and make us aware of the circumstance; It will be an excused absence.

Students Departure

Pickup will begin at 3:00 and times will be staggered as stated in the following chart.

HS Class ...........Hours M-TH 7:50 - 3:00; F 7:50 - 1:00................Departure: M-TH 3:00 - 3:30

F: 1:00 - 1:30

EHS Class ........Hours M-F 8:00 - 4:00.....................Departure: 3:30 - 4:00

CC Class ..........Hours M-F 7:30 - 5:30...................... Departure: 4:00 - 5:30

The designated location & methods are in the chart below.

***Families who have children enrolled in classrooms at different drop-off pick -up locations, will use Location 2 ( southwest parking lot) method.

Classroom: Rooms 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 1, 2, 3, 4

Location 2: Southwest parking lot Method: Curb Pick Up

  1. Families will enter the parking lot off of Ave. V using Entrance and drive up to a Staff member. They will remain in their car and a Staff member will greet the family.

  2. A Family Advocate will ensure that the person picking up the child is on the child’s release list and then will radio the classroom for the child to be brought out to the family for pick-up.

  3. A Staff member will sign the child out and bring them to their awaiting family.

***Families who have children enrolled in classrooms at different drop-off pick -up locations, will use Location 2 ( southwest parking lot) method.

Classroom Rooms 101, 104, 105, 106

Location 1 Main Building Bus Lane Method Park, Screen & Pick up at classroom door.

  1. Families will park in the bus lane on the left side ( not in the fire lane close to the building). They will enter the building where parents will stop to be screened at the kiosk located near the door.

  2. Once cleared and hands are washed, they may enter to pick up their child at the classroom. They will knock on the door and the teacher will bring their child to them. Parents will not enter the classroom.

Parents may pick up their child(ren) outside when the child needs to leave early for an appointment. The parent will call the agency to inform us of the time they will be here to pick up the child.

  • The parent will park at the front entrance (not in the Fire Lane) and when they arrive, they will remain in their car and call the agency to let us know they are here. Then a staff member will bring their child to their car.

  • This is not to be utilized to avoid traffic or lines.

  • This will be the same procedure for children who are being sent home.


At this time, we are limiting our visitors to the following individuals:

  • A person with legal authority such as law enforcement, licensing staff & DFPS staff

  • Professional providing services to children such as ECI staff.

*Parents of enrolled children should only enter the agency when necessary but are not prohibited.

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